Defence of attorney-at-law J.Mucenieks is aimed to achieve in every case the outcome as best for the client’s interests as possible. In order to achieve this aim, attorney-at-law develops and implements long-term strategy and tactics for the client’s defence.

Attorney-at-law provides qualified defence and representation in complex and particularly complex criminal cases in the entire territory of Latvia either in pre-trial criminal litigation or case hearings in courts of all instances, including appellation and cassation court as well as the European Court of Human Rights.
Attorney-at-law specializes in protection of persons accused in serious and very serious offenses:
– at public service (malfeasance),
– economy (economic crimes),
– drug trafficking,
– against road safety,
– against life (murders),
– against personal property,
– against human health,
– against public security and order,
– against family and sexual crimes, riots, etc.
Attorney-at-law J. Mucenieks provides legal aid to detainees, suspects and accused persons:
1) prepare clients for the provision of pre-trial investigation and for the performance of procedural activities in pre-trial criminal proceedings;
2) prepare the client’s defense position from the moment of detention until the proceedings of the European Court of Human Rights;
3) provide legal assistance during procedural activities;
4) represent the interests of clients in court hearings regarding the application, evaluation and appeal of a security measure – detention (arrest);
5) appeal against the application of detention (arrest);
6) appeal against the appropriate security measures;
7) appeal against decisions regarding the arrest of property;
8) prepare applications regarding the performance of investigative activities;
9) prepare applications regarding the closing the criminal case;
10) appeal against court judgments;
11) get acquainted with the materials of the case, perform an in-depth assessment of the circumstances of the case;
12) provide an opinion on the further progress of the case, etc.
Legal Aid For Crime Victims
Attorney J. Mucenieks provides legal assistance to victims of criminal proceedings. The attorney ensures the representation of the interests of the victims in the pre-trial process and in court institutions.
The attorney:
1) prepare applications regarding the performance of investigative activities;
2) appeal against decisions regarding the closing of criminal case;
3) represent the interests of victims in pre-trial investigation and legal proceedings;
4) prepare applications for compensation for damage;
5) appeal against decisions of the person conducting the proceedings, the prosecutor or the court which are unfavorable to the interests of the victims;
6) research the materials of the case and provide an opinion on the further progress of the case, etc.
The attorney provides legal assistance to witnesses during pre-trial investigations and court proceedings.